Mini Selenite Tower
Mini Selenite Tower
Mini Selenite Tower

Mini Selenite Tower

Selenite is the stone of spiritual activation.  It quickly opens and activates the 6th, 7th, and 8th chakras.  It is a fast energy cleaner of the auric field. It is often used to open up the crown chakra in an appropriate manner so that you can access higher levels of consciousness, such as your own soul, your light body, your spirit team, and higher meditative states. It compels you to move forward in life by directing its high vibrations into the body, activating healing, and lifting your inner awareness to higher planes of consciousness.

These hearts attract the energy of light and positivity into a concentrated point. Selenite is like liquid light, and is one of the most important tools to have on your spiritual journey because it doesn’t need to be recharged. No matter how many times you use it, it still operates with the same high-vibe, energetic power. Its ability to not dull as it absorbs and dissipates negative energy is why it is so often used to cleanse and recharge other crystals. Use this heart to charge your crystal jewelry, as it has the healing ability to quickly unblock stagnant and negative energy that may have been absorbed along the way. Or hold this heart in meditation to remove all energy blockages and create a fluid flow of energy throughout your body.